The world has enough game jams and there are plenty of places to come up with quick ideas without sleep.
This is not a place for that - This is not a Jam. This is a place to explore or challenge an existing idea!
Get away from the daily life and join other developers/designers/makers/people for the 15th Exile at the old folk highschool Vallekilde, Denmark.
It's Wednesday - Sunday, so there should be time to go for a walk and relax..
You should have team and a plan before arriving. Your plan could be to explore an existing idea, or to work on a specific challenge in an existing project. Maybe take up that old prototype you never did anything with and take it in a new direction.
It's fine to come alone and work on your own project and feel free to team up with your colleagues, but don't bring actual work work. There will not be any official groupforming during the event, but if people decide to team up they are welcome.
There will be occasion to present and discuss your design/tech/whatever challenges and we plan to form feedback groups where you will be playing/exploring/talking about each others projects.
Wednesday you present what you plan to do and Saturday you present your result.
Apply before 8th of September and we hope to have all seats distributed by September 16th.
This year we ask you to apply as a team with a project in mind. This is not to judge your project, but to make sure we only get people who got a plan and made an effort.
(Participants should wait for manual confirmation from the School)
Prices includes a bed in shared room, linen, all meals (great and healthy food), tea, coffee, cake. It also includes access to internet, sauna, some exercise facilities, fireplace, and a music/audio room, painting and sculpting facilities. As well as an extra great dinner at the end and a followed by a party with alcohol included.
If you have any special requirements or want to pay extra to get a single room, it is most likely possible and can be coordinated later.
Exile was started by Tim Garbos and Jesper Taxbøl. They teamed up with the coziest place in Denmark: Vallekilde Højskole. For the first ten Exile's it was a game jam with less focus on competition and more focus on exploring far out ideas, having a beer, and getting to know the European scene. Today it is barely a jam, but we still meet up and work on and discuss our passion: Interactive things.
It is organized by Tim Garbos, Jesper Taxbøl and Vallekilde Højskole.
For questions email or tweet @timgarbos.